The School of Self Reinvention

007: A Brain Tumor Reinvention and an Amazing Mindset - with Joel Norras

Sandy Wade Season 1 Episode 7

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.  Brene Brown said, “One day you will tell your story of what you went through and it will become someone else’s survival guide.”  I believe this to be true for today’s guest.  

 Joel Norras is 26 years old.  At the young age of 13, they discovered he had a brain tumor.  At the same time his dad left him, his mom and older sister.  The Dr’s told his mom he would never play sports again and he would be lucky to walk after the surgery to remove it.  This young man went on to not only went on to walk, but to run collegiate Cross Country all four years in college at the University of South Carolina Beaufort!  He was actually captain of the team his senior year. 

 You will be blown away by the mindset of this young man.  He is truly an inspiration! Joel’s mental strength has made him physically strong.  He is proof that overcoming the obstacles of physical ailments and hurt makes us stronger for the ordeal!