The School of Self Reinvention

006: A Get Off The Couch Reinvention One Step At A Time - with Jacey Weston

Sandy Wade Season 1 Episode 6

This reinvention is a complete LIFE Reinvention that started just by deciding one day to get off the couch.  Today’s special guest is Jacey Weston.  

Jacey’s life didn’t start out easy – growing up quite poor with a single mother, she experienced trauma in her young life.  The instability continued into adult hood and spiraled out of control when she hit rock bottom at the age of 30.  When a long-term relationship completely collapsed, she also lost her friends as a result.  She found herself sad, depressed, bouncing from job to job, and unsure of even where to live.  She was lost without direction.  But at 31 she discovered a way out.  One day she just decided on a whim to go for a run, thinking she was running as a way to escape and running away from her problems.  Little did she know she was running into a whole new life.  She says that running taught her that you can do pretty much anything if you simply put one foot in front of the other.   

Jacey is now happily married to an incredible husband and a mother of a beautiful little girl living in the Pacific northwest.  She loves to practice yoga and wants to become a writer.  She also as aspirations of owning a nonprofit that targets accessibility and support, in addition to holding space for single mothers.  Talk about reinventing your life!